Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Walter Lee Davidson
Born 6/16/09 at 7:59PM PT
8 lbs and 21 1/4 in

We are all resting comfortably in the hospital before we head home tomorrow.
Thank you so much for your kind words, support and prayers. We are very lucky to have such amazing family and friends.
We promise to be in touch with everyone when we get settled in back at home.

Until then, here are just a few pictures from our wonderful day...

Kate testing out the hospital bed, getting ready to go

Gearing up for labor with her trusty Bon Appetite

Moments after delivery, Walt meets Mom

The weigh-in

The under the heat lamp after the first bath

Walt checking me out

Very suspicious...

Not quite sure...

Deciding he'll take me, but only if he gets Mom too

Resting calmly after a busy night

Walt's first strength test

An afternoon nap after lunch

That's all for now. We're hoping to be checked-out and introducing Walt to his new home early tomorrow afternoon.
Talk to everybody very soon!
-Mike and Kate


Kimberly said...

How cute is he???? Oh my gosh, I can't wait to meet him! What a perfect little guy you cooked up.

Heather Blackwelder said...

He is so beautiful! We can't wait to meet him. The blankets and plastic cup look oh so familiar.

Megan said...

Congrats Kate and Mike! He is perfect! Can't wait to see more pics and hear all about him!

chazma said...

Just beautiful! Congratulations to you both!