Wednesday, June 24, 2009

1 week old!

Last night Walt reached an important milestone--his one week birthday! It has certainly been a crazy week. After a rough couple of days, we seem to have found a schedule that seems to work for Walt and leaves us feeling at least moderately well-rested. My parents have been out here since Saturday, which has been immensely helpful. Mike and I even managed a short date this afternoon--a trip to the post office and a quick stop at Bi-Rite Creamery.

Below are a few pics from Walt's first week--enjoy!

Watching the Cubs with Dad

Walt's freakishly enormous hands

Meeting Nana and Grand-dad

Cat nap for Dad and Walt

Digging into a delicious brunch featuring our friend Nikki's delicious blueberry scones--thanks, Nikki!


Walt can't take his eyes off the game

Our friend Kim (due in December!) gets some practice

Visiting with family friend, Kate

Walt's favorite trick--flipping the bird with his gigantic fingers...we try not to take it personally

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Last day in the Hospital, then home!

Our friends Nikki, Dave and Jen stopped by to meet Walt...

...and so did Heather and Blair - Thanks so much for coming guys!

Our celebration dinner on the last night in the hospital

Flying the Cubs 'W' flag in our hospital room

A quick rock to sleep on our last morning at the hospital

Packing up our things and Walt in his new San Francisco cap (click to enlarge)

Bye room 457!

The view from our hospital floor (our neighborhood is straight ahead, up the hill)

Time to head home

First family photo

All loaded up, about to take the slowest drive home in history

We're home!

Taking a quick nap in the big bed

It has been a long couple of days - but we wouldn't trade them for the world

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Walter Lee Davidson
Born 6/16/09 at 7:59PM PT
8 lbs and 21 1/4 in

We are all resting comfortably in the hospital before we head home tomorrow.
Thank you so much for your kind words, support and prayers. We are very lucky to have such amazing family and friends.
We promise to be in touch with everyone when we get settled in back at home.

Until then, here are just a few pictures from our wonderful day...

Kate testing out the hospital bed, getting ready to go

Gearing up for labor with her trusty Bon Appetite

Moments after delivery, Walt meets Mom

The weigh-in

The under the heat lamp after the first bath

Walt checking me out

Very suspicious...

Not quite sure...

Deciding he'll take me, but only if he gets Mom too

Resting calmly after a busy night

Walt's first strength test

An afternoon nap after lunch

That's all for now. We're hoping to be checked-out and introducing Walt to his new home early tomorrow afternoon.
Talk to everybody very soon!
-Mike and Kate