Saturday, October 18, 2008

Texas Trip

Kate and I went to Texas last weekend for a quick vacation. Kate stayed in Dallas with her good friend Lauren Wambold, while I headed down to College Station with Keith and Jared, to watch the Aggies.
(I had the camera, so no pics of Kate and Lauren. Sorry!)

Dinner with Keith before heading down to College Station

The bar was raffling off sports collectibles - of course I had to try it on for size

Hwy 6

Stopped for some Whataburger outside of Waco - I think Sarah Palin was behind us

The pre-game tailgate out of the trunk of the rental car - sad, I know...

Heading into Kyle Field

The opposition - the K-State Wildcats

The final moments of a long, long game - Ags lose 44-30

It's a rebuilding year...again

The post-game tailgate - in the bed of a university truck

The Dry Bean Saloon

The Chicken

Needless to say, the political views in Aggieland are a bit different than out here in SF

Goodnight Aggieland


Sarah said...

You should have come to Austin if you wanted to see a winning team!

The Patterson Family said...

Why did Sarah Palin leave a comment on your blog?