Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What we've been up to...

So we've been bad about updating this thing over the last couple weeks. Sorry. I know you've all been on the edge of your seats, wondering what we've been up to. So here are just a few pictures of just that...

Kate's company held a wine tasting event in Sonoma

Sadly we didn't win the competition, but we had plenty of wine

The next day we went to Sebastopol, where Kate got to visit a farmer's market. Shocking, I know...

Then we hit a couple wineries before heading home

I attempted my own harvest

Back in the city last weekend, we tried a new restaurant - Eos - in our neighborhood

Kate admiring bus stop advertising

On Saturday we went to the Bluegrass Festival in Golden Gate Park

Despite early fog and threats of rain, it turned out to be a bright, sunshiny day

Kate taking a nap in the sun

The highlight for me was seeing Jerry Jeff Walker - bringing back memories of the college days back in Texas

And sadly, even in Golden Gate Park I couldn't escape the latest in a long line of historic collapses by the Cubbies. Oh well, there's always next year...

1 comment:

The Patterson Family said...

Best picture in the world is the one of Kate sitting next to the swimmer's leg. That legged looked extra-juicy...extra juicy...

Love, Jack's intestines that hate PB