Sunday, May 18, 2008

Bay to Breakers 2008

This past Sunday we went to the annual Bay to Breakers event here in SF. It is a 12k through the city that It is held every third Sunday in May. And no, we didn't run it. What happens is after the race participants clear through the course, thousands of people dressed in all sorts of costumes walk the course with floats and props and everything. It was a wild scene - very San Francisco. Here are some pics of it all.

Here we are - dressed as San Francisco tourists

Street breakdancing

Our friends Heather and Jen

The Love Boat

Ace Ventura - from the mental institute scene

A Double Dare team

A keg stand at a gas station

A Garbage Pail Kids float

Kate as a Garbage Pail Kid

The Russians were there

So were Da' Bears

Crayons like to party

So do Nascar pit crews

Free hugs

Free buns

By the time we made it to Golden Gate Park, people were in the trees

Blair, Heather and Jen refueling

Our group

Me and Chewy

Free petroleum jelly at the Red Cross table - not sure why you would need this, but I'm sure somebody did

The people dressed as keg cups didn't make it

Blair and I jumped in and played the guys with the mobile b-ball court

We won

Some guy handed me his parrot

Plenty of love to go around in this city

It was quite a day

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