Monday, July 11, 2011

George Neil Davidson

Born July 5, 2011 at 11:10am

7 lbs, 1 oz
20.5 inches

It was the quickest labor in history. Probably not, but it sure felt that way. Dad and I walked Walt to daycare around 8:15am. One contraction on the way there, one on the way back. No big deal. Got home, had a cup of tea and some peanut butter toast. Decided that I was in labor and timed a couple of contractions. Ten minutes apart. Called doctor and was told to wait until they were five minutes apart. Immediately, contractions were five minutes apart. We arrived at the hospital around 9:45am and I was pronounced "ready to deliver." We were zipped up to a room, luckily just at the last possible minute to get an epidural. Thirty minutes or so later, George was in my arms.

So glad that my dad was able to be a part of our special day.

The next day, we were super-excited to introduce Walt to his little brother. He is absolutely thrilled with "Bee-bee Jurj" and loves covering him with kisses.

Now we're home and settling into life as a family of four. Thanks so much to our amazing friends and family, who have been so supportive.

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