Meeting Walt
Sightseeing on Tank Hill, in our neighborhood
More relaxing with the Grandparents
Just one of our great dinner (Thanks to Mom for all the help in the kitchen!).
Opening Walt's Social Security card. He's official.
Grandpa teaching Walt how to complain about the Cubs.
My Dad and I snuck out for a Giants game for his birthday.
Great weather, not so great game.
Relaxing on the back deck.
More help in the kitchen.
After all the hard work, we rewarded them with a little wine tasting in Sonoma.
Walt and Grandpa have the same fashion sense.
At Ft. Point, at the base of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Unsuccessful attempt at firing a cannon.
Then we stopped off in Japantown for some lunch and couldn't resist this photo op...
Then a swing by the Painted Ladies to round off the sightseeing adventure.
And on the last night of their visit, Grandma and Grandpa babysat Walt for a couple hours so Kate and I could go out to dinner. We had a great time and were really thankful for the opportunity.